notion-cms-boilerplate project

Getting started

This project combines the power of Notion as a CMS with modern web development tools like Next.js, providing a flexible foundation for your content management needs.

The guide will walk you through the setup process and essential features of this boilerplate.


I love Notion and imho it’s a great (and free) tool that can work as a CMS.

There are some cool projects (e.g. react-notion-x) that can be used for the same purpose, but I wanted to base my solution on an official Notion tools.

I had tons of fun playing with their API to render components and show everything I needed to create my personal website, so I’ve decided to make this project open-source.

I hope it can be helpful to someone.


To implement this project, you would need to duplicate Notion database to your workspace, create a new Notion integration to get an API key, clone the notion-cms-boilerplate repository, configure the environment variables with your Notion credentials, and deploy the Next.js application to your preferred hosting platform.


First, you need to duplicate the project’s Notion database - available here.

It contains the list of pages that would be rendered in your project. After cloning it, you should see Getting started page. Don’t remove it yet, it would be helpful to ensure that everything in the setup has been done correctly.

Once you’ve duplicated the database, save it’s ID - it would be necessary in project setup. You can check it in the Notion url -<DB_NAME>-<DB_ID>

Each item in the database is a page that contains properties and content.

The properties are:

  • Slug
  • Meta title
  • Meta description
  • SEO Keywords
  • A slug would be necessary to render your page. Home page uses home by default.

    After creating a new page, simply navigate to <yourdomain>.<extension>/<slug> or localhost:300/<slug> for local development.

    Notion integration

    To fetch the data, it’s necessary to create a Notion integration. It can be an internal integration. Follow the guide to create one. Save your Internal Integration Secret, it would be necessary in project setup.

    After creating an integration, give the permissions (as the guide explains) to the duplicated database in your Notion space.


    To start, simply use this template to create a new GitHub repository and clone it.

    Then, copy the .env.example and rename it to .env. Use your Internal Integration Secret and Database ID (from previous steps) as NOTION_SECRET and NOTION_DATABASE_ID.

    It’s all.

    You can run npm run dev.

    If everything went properly, you should see this Getting started page.

    Now, feel free to remove it, edit the content and do whatever you want.


    The whole project is based on a Next.js app. The easiest way to deploy it is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

    Check out the Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

    Supported blocks

    See Supported blocks for more information.